Monday 29 July 2024

Painting Update - Mughal Prince Troops and Elephants!

July has been a productive month and I can't see myself stopping anytime soon with the collection.

Possible future scenarios I have planned for August/September are a Siege/Convoy protection, so I'm painting some models in preparation for that. 

First up is an Elephant I grabbed in the Foundry Christmas sale, and I've been procrastinating on this for a while. It was however very fun and actually quick to paint up.

Next is some Local Prince/Mughal troops that I'll be using as Sepoy Rabble due to them at least having a degree of uniformity). I may yet add another group, possibly swordsmen in similar colors. Again very easy to paint up despite my initial worry of painting flat white, as I usually paint up from Light Grey adding white as I go. 

I'm nearly finished on some British cavalry also, they'll be up here very soon.

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Painting Update - 1st Madras Fusiliers

All speed ahead this week with the hobby motivation in full swing.

Finished some Madras Fusiliers to go alongside my Bombay Fusiliers. Only a small unit of 8 leftovers to start with, but these were fun to paint so the unit will likely grow when I get some more models.

I used the following artworks below for reference and settled for a mid tone blue on the caps (They ranged all the way from Dark/Light)

Then a set of leftover characters for various existing units.

From left to right : Officer for Madras Fusiliers, Officer for 34th Cumberland, Generic British Officer, Standard Bearer for my Bombay Fusiliers (Minus the flag yet!), Generic British Officer, Drummer lad for 7th Royal Fusiliers.

Working through my 7th Hussars now and some other Sepoy troops (trying to kill that lead mountain)

Thursday 11 July 2024

Painting Update - CCAF Death Commandos

After much deliberation I finally thought I'd take a go at some Battletech. I've been eyeing up the models for a while and have quite a few friends in a local gaming group, that combined with the low model count it seemed like a good idea for a quick project. Little did I know, it would become rather addictive!

The background lore is incredibly deep in this game especially on the Regiment/Units, which as a historical wargamer does please me a lot. Rather than creating my own scheme I settled on the infamous "Death Commandos" of the Capellan Confederation. These guys are the elite of the Capellan's forces and along with their ominous black and green scheme I did become enamored quite quickly.

The Death Commandos usually have a "backup" mech alongside their main mech, so I have done two of each mech weight class (except for my leader as he likes his Cyclops that much!)

I'll likely add some extra mechs in future as these are really quick to get painted and I have plenty of spares now.

Maybe some Battletech reports will sneak their way onto here also!

Painting Update - 1st Bengal Fusiliers

Just finished a long overdue HEIC unit for my British forces during the Mutiny. These sculpts came out really nice and as usual I will be painting up a Ensign for the unit, so expect to see him on the field.

I'm also excited to start gaming again soon which should be around August. The narrative campaign will continue with plenty of new characters and units.

 Reference/Inspiration pictures (On the right for Bengal Fusiliers)

The only problem now is I want to paint some Madras Fusiliers also!

The final "planned" British unit is now being worked on (7th Hussars), hope to have these done by next week.