Thursday 11 July 2024

Painting Update - CCAF Death Commandos

After much deliberation I finally thought I'd take a go at some Battletech. I've been eyeing up the models for a while and have quite a few friends in a local gaming group, that combined with the low model count it seemed like a good idea for a quick project. Little did I know, it would become rather addictive!

The background lore is incredibly deep in this game especially on the Regiment/Units, which as a historical wargamer does please me a lot. Rather than creating my own scheme I settled on the infamous "Death Commandos" of the Capellan Confederation. These guys are the elite of the Capellan's forces and along with their ominous black and green scheme I did become enamored quite quickly.

The Death Commandos usually have a "backup" mech alongside their main mech, so I have done two of each mech weight class (except for my leader as he likes his Cyclops that much!)

I'll likely add some extra mechs in future as these are really quick to get painted and I have plenty of spares now.

Maybe some Battletech reports will sneak their way onto here also!

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